The GST Guide To Dungeon Passages

The Glue Stick Terrain Guide To Passage Tiles

Glue Stick Terrain Passage Tiles save you time when setting up dungeon rooms. Rather than drawing extensive dungeon maps, you lay out the tiles. Because they are modular, you can use a small number of tiles to create an almost limitless number of dungeon room configurations.

Plus, they add atmosphere to encounters in Role Playing Games (RPG) like Dungeons And Dragons and Pathfinder.

Glue Stick Terrain Dungeon Tiles work with the other modular Glue Stick Terrain tiles so that you can build challenging places for your next encounter. You can also add accessories, like furniture, to create even more realism.

Passage Tiles

3X1 Low Profile Passage Niche

Glue Stick Terrain 3×1 Low Profile Passage Niche

Use passage niche tiles with other dungeon tiles to create niches along dungeon passages or tiny dead-ends in a passage.

If you’re curious about how to make it take a look at the GST 3X1 Passage Niche Kit Directions.

Add the passage niche tile to your encounter today.

3X3 Low Profile Passage Corner

Glue Stick Terrain 3×3 Low Profile Passage Corner

Create a complex maze with modular passage corner tiles. Add left and right-hand turns in passageways to hide treasures and dangers beyond the next corner.

If you’re curious about how to make it take a look at the GST 3×3 Passage Corner Kit Directions.

Add the passage corner tile to your encounter today.

3X3 Low Profile Passage Way

Glue Stick Terrain 3×3 Low Profile Passage Way

Use a modular passageway tile to create a direct underground path. Will it be an uneventful stroll or a harrowing trip into monstrous terror?

If you’re curious about how to make it take, a look at the GST 3×3 Passage Way Kit Directions.

Add the passage way tile to your encounter today.

3X2 Low Profile Passage Alcove

Glue Stick Terrain 3×2 Low Profile Passage Alcove

You can combine passage alcove tiles with other dungeon tiles to create alcoves along dungeon passages or small dead-ends in a passage.

If you’re curious about how to make it take, a look at the GST 3×2 Passage Alcove Kit Directions.

Add the passage alcove tile to your encounter today.

3X3 Low Profile Passage Cross Intersection

Glue Stick Terrain 3×3 Low Profile Passage Cross Intersection

Use a modular passage cross intersection tile to create crossing passageways. Things just got more complicated. Weren’t we just here?

If you’re curious about how to make it, look at the GST Passage Cross Intersection Kit Directions.

Add the cross intersection tile to your encounter today.

3X3 Low Profile Passage Dead End

Glue Stick Terrain 3×3 Low Profile Passage Dead End

Use a modular passage dead-end tile to create complex passageways. You might turn a corner to find a door that opens onto a tiny room.

If you’re curious about how to make it, look at the GST 3×3 Passage Dead End Kit Directions.

Add the passage dead end tile to your encounter today.

3X3 Low Profile Passage Tee Intersection

Glue Stick Terrain 3×3 Low Profile Passage Tee Intersection

Use a modular passage tee intersection tile to split a pathway. When your players choose a path, will it lead to the lady or the tiger?

If you’re curious about how to make it, look at the GST 3×3 Passage Tee Intersection Kit Directions.

Add the passage tee intersection tile to your encounter today.

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